
The 1st Month

Ops, I've been really bad at updating this. I've had some long days.

What have I been doing?

I have been working on my Summer Activity Program for one of the low-income housing sites that we do services for in Sutherlin, OR. I am not going to be running the program, but I will have 2 summer associates (AmeriCorps*VISTAs) that will be doing all the program planning and running.

I wrote a local foundation for some money from one of their funds for supplies. I am awaiting to here if they will be donating any money. I have also been working on getting some special events scheduled for the kids. Right now, I have the Dept. of Fish & Wildlife coming to do a presentation with animal pelts, as well as donating birdhouse kits. I have been in contact with the local Sheriff's department about having the McGruff Crime Dog make an appearance with a deputy to talk about safety and what he does for a living.

We are also going to have garden themed activties this year as the property has agreed to participate in UCAN's "Plant Another Row to Go" program. The program is asking local farmers, and anyone else to "plant another row" to donate to the homeless, so they can have fresh produce and flowers. So we will be working with the children in the raised beds, and teaching them how to garden, as well as how to give back to others.

I have another project that I'm trying to figure out what to do with -- Walk-a-Mile. Last year, it didn't go very well, which could have been due to the fact it wasn an election year. There were suggestions to have people in the community pair with the homeless instead of politicians with low-income people, but I haven't had the chance to meet with my supervisor to discuss other options.

I've also been tagging along going to the Coast to do presentations at schools about AmeriCorps and our summer associate positions. Next week, I will be going to Portland for the Northwest Service Symposium -- I thought it'd be nice to get out of Roseburg for awhile!

I suppose that's it for now. Sorry for the delay!

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